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Hi, my name is Biscoito18, I'm Brazilian, a "child" of the '90s and you can trust me because I'm a lawyer. ;D

I'm a fan of horror movies in all its variations, but I don't watch any movie just because it's playing in theaters or to put them on end-of-year lists.

First I make a judgement of admissibility. That is, the movie has to have something that catches my attention, for better or for worse (I love giving 5's as much as I love giving 1's). This may be the director, some actor, the producer, the screenwriter, some marketing image that got stuck in my mind, the premise, or even just the movie title, otherwise I will not waste time watching.

In my reviews I try to focus only on the main points that caught my attention, whether it's something good or bad, and pass through words the sensations that the film has passed for me. I don't discuss politics in my reviews and I try to make the most of the work of those who made the film, especially in the case of indie films.

Feel free to join me on twitter (@zdezoito) and disqus (@biscoito18).



